Monday, June 8, 2009

Gets me every time...

Man do I like cakewrecks ... I've actually started looking for some when I do my grocery shopping. Nothing better than professional cakes gone wrong. And recently, I had a graduation party... with a cake. No, no, it wasn't a cake wreck. It was very nicely decorated and tasted great. But, secretly, I was hoping for something a little more like this:

 At first, I thought it might be a coconut drink with a blue straw (anyone else see it??). But that didn't make much sense... it was definitely a stretch. But then, I realized that brown icing was supposed to be a graduation cap... which would make the graduate's face the cookie... that looks like a butt. Brilliant. 


Jen said...

I'm looking for them when I grocery shop now, too! I've actually even submitted a couple of them, haha.