Thursday, January 7, 2010

An Education

Need some inspiration to eat a little healthier? Care to be less ignorant about the food we eat? Then watch the movie Food Inc. It's a scary documentary about what our food really is, how it gets to the stores and subsequently our tables, and how the farmer is really dealt the short-hand in all of it.

I must warn you, it's not a pretty sight. Hidden cameras capture horrid sights. Workers for major meat industries (example Perdue) are kicking chickens unable to stand due to their genetically-enhanced breasts too heavy and over-developed for their legs. Forklift drivers are prodding lame, sickly cattle in hopes they will stand long enough to slaughter. And that's just the animals. The movie also documents how the big corporate heads of companies manipulate soybean and corn farmers. All the while, the consumer is led to believe by these few, major companies that all of our food comes from a nice little farm with a red barn and black and white cows roaming the lush, green land.

After watching such a eye-opener, there are a few things that I'm going to try to do more of. First, buy locally. I'm looking for a local butcher that gets meat from local farmers. Second, I'm going to go organic as much as possible. Alton isn't the best place to find all-natural and organic food, but I'm willing to drive a bit to get to Whole Foods or even Trader Joes. Third, I'm planning out a bigger, better garden. Plans will follow eventually....

I know topics like this... which interest me very much ... are not for everyone. But once you've been educated on what is actually going on behind your back, it's hard not to strive for better. I recommend the movie to anyone who eats :)

This is what farming has become...


Jen said...

I had someone else recommend that movie, too. It's on my list of movies to rent. Thanks for the reminder!

waitingforcider said...

Ok. I'm forgetting. We made copies of that movie to give to you and mom. Did I give it to you? We watched it the week before Christmas and have been talking about it. Ps- also watch King Corn. It's more... kind and fun. But supergood.

jb.little said...

Lys, you didn't give it to us. I watched it instantly on our netflix account. It was super good